[Alberg30] Isabel

RC Alley ralley at chesapeake.net
Tue Sep 23 19:09:42 PDT 2003

News from the Bay...........

We in Scientists Cliffs (the CBIOS Mid Bay Buoy is essentially in my front yard) still do not have complete power returned, but those on my cul-de-sac do.  Cleanup and power folks returned our electricity late last night. It may be a week or more for some of our neighbors, as we have roads in the community partially open that do not have so much as 100 meters of continuous standing power lines.  There are several houses bisected by trees--big, old poplars without much root structure to hold them down-- and a few automobiles which are pancaked.

The mile of beach below the cliffs is essentially gone. It looks more or less like a lumber yard, as the long wooden pier a mile or so south at Kenwood Beach is now deposited here peacemeal. So are the wooden stairways down the revines used to reach the beach from my community.  I expect we will enjoy the bonfires.

I got on the list to haul the boat early, and it was done, as my slip is rather exposed.  Because of the incredible dead-run pace of work for the owner, staff,  and volunteers at Flag Harbor Marine Services, there was no damage to any boat in the marina.  The last boat to be hauled was hauled Thursday morning; the last boat was moved from the outer slips to the inner ones about 1400 Thursday, in about 40 kts of wind; volunteers and staff stayed overnight to monitor events.  The only problem now is high water.

At home, we were incredibly lucky.  Lost only one tree. Not even so much as a shingle blown away on the house in winds about 70 kts.  Our greatest inconvenience was we had to put blinking collar lights on the black retrievers to keep from tripping over them at night.  And I am heartily tired of spagetti cooked the day of the storm before the power went out and reheated ad nauseum by candlelight.

Best to all,

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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