[Public-list] exhaust system
Roger L. Kingsland
rkingsland101 at ksba.com
Tue Apr 27 07:32:13 PDT 2004
My bad, critical word in last sentence should have been "OR" not "of." It
is fixed below; please disregard last and replace w/ this.
> Albergers,
> My insurance surveyor said I need to "Install a vented loop in the exhaust
raw water injection hose. Locate the vented loop as high as possible." I
have a Universal diesel with an insulated pipe running aft to the lower
forward end of the Lazarette where it turns up and joins with the cooling
water just below deck level; then, it goes through the big black cylinder
(technical name; cylindercus darkus which I assume is a muffler) near the
low point of the Lazarette and out.
> I figure I can do a vent at the high point in the Lazarette but don't know
why it is needed (something to do w/ backflow prevention?). Also, is it
necessary to have cylindercus darcus in the lazarette or can I move it to
the engine compartment (and shorten the rigid insulated pipe)? Is backflow
prevention a function of the vertical dimension between the cylinder and the
high point of the exhaust OR the high point of the exhaust and the engine?
> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Roger
> Roger Kingsland
> Chief Financial Officer (AKA, check writer)
> PERFECT intentions, A30 #148
> N40° 29.288'
> W79° 54.228'
> Author's Disclaimer; This email was produced exclusively by the sender
and, in the interest of expediency, without the benefit of editing by
others. The sender, thank goodness, is a much better architect/sailor than
speller/editor and, frankly, constantly laments an obvious flaw in "spell
check," it does not know what the author is thinking. Please accept the
sender's sincere apologies for any "typos" that may appear in this document.
If present, they are certainly unintended and hopefully do not cloud the
message, or spawn any unnecessary lawsuits.
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