[Public-list] Leaky Water Tank

robert robicheaux capricebob at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 17 05:57:36 PDT 2004

Hello Everyone,
I'm flummoxed about my leaky water tank and would like to hear anyone's views on my dilemma.  
I have an Alberg 30 hull #388, built in 1969.  Her water tank located under the V berth is leaking.   A previous owner installed an inspection port and appears to attempt to repair it with some type of rubber or possibly hot glue.  The tank seems to be lined with some type of vinyl similar to the insides of a cooler.  Does anyone know what type of material this is?  Could it just be gel-coat or is it some type of vinyl or plastic?   If it is the latter, does anyone have any recommendations on how to repair it? 
I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Caprice 388 

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