[Public-list] Toe Rail

Dan Pinson dan at pinson.us
Tue Aug 10 18:30:56 PDT 2004

   I  noticed  my taft rail delaminating. Investigation revealed some dry
   rot  on  one end. While I can remedy this, I asked myself what would I
   do  if  I  had  extensive  toe  rail damage. I've followed a couple of
   threads lately on more localized damage.
   My  first  choice would be a teak rail raised about 1.5" or so off the
   deck.  If  my  perception  is  correct,  I'd  need  something  to help
   seal/reinforce  the  deck-hull  seam  as  well as providing attachment
   points for the rail.
   While  all  aluminum  rails  are  not  esthetically pleasing, they are
   practical. But then, the genoa track would need to be relocated.
   Have any of you replaced the rail with anything but teak bolted to the
   deck or thought about another replacement?


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