[Public-list] Propane Locker

David Fisher liquid_addiction at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 16 16:40:12 PDT 2004

To the devil with insurers, I say!

How have other people dealt with this issue?  My principal motive has been 
to clear the decks of items I feel detract from the aesthetic of the boat.  
I am also concerned with storing the propane tank where it is exposed to sun 
and weather, although it is three years now since I fitted it and aside from 
some surface rust (I was too tight to buy galvanised and am paying for it 
now) it has been fine where it is.

Has anyone built deck boxes which look ok on the boat?

David, Kalitsah 440, Sydney.

PS:  A funny story about propane standards and insurance in Australia:  We 
have no federal standard about these things, so from state to state the 
rules contradict.  Aside from the dramas of interstate cruising, it makes 
for situations such as my own, where safety rules decide my very well fitted 
cabin heater is illegal while the modern tupperware can have gimballed 
stoves whose swing is governed by the stretch of the gas line.  Go figure...

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