[Public-list] Boat Cover Frame Suggestions

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Tue Dec 14 13:11:11 PST 2004

I know I am probably too late to be of much help this winter - It has
been a busy fall and I am just getting caught up on the list e-mail - 
but for future reference, I have a framework built of 1.5 " PVC piping
that is bolted together. I made the ridge pole high enough to encourage
the snow to slide off easily and to allow me room to work on the boat
from the middle of March on when temperatures under the cover can be
rather pleasant.  This is its second winter and it is standing up well.
I live in Traverse City Michigan where we have lpngish winters (mid
December to late March with lots of snow 125" is the average snow fall
for the city - which is protected by the water in Grand Travese Bay. My
mast is stored off the boat. With previous boats, I have found that the
mast makes an excellent ridge pole. 

>>> bob at fox.nstn.ca 11/24/2004 10:15:31 AM >>>
I have a rickety wooden frame now, that requires a lot of time and
to assemble.

I'm in Nova Scotia, lots of snow and very cold winter temperatures.
for DN ice sailing)

There are metal frame solutions from various suppliers, (expensive) but
looking for a DIY solution.

Would a "U" shaped PVC frame work in my area to support a tarp?
(With closely spaced frames and PVC ridge pole)

Does PVC have problems cracking in the cold?
What size PVC pipe?

Does anyone use this type of frame in cold, heavy snowfall areas?

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.


Bob Crinion
Nova Scotia

A30 #560

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