[Public-list] Caulking the chainplates

Daniel Sternglass dans at stmktg.com
Thu Dec 16 10:04:41 PST 2004

Hello A-30 people,

I tend to agree that chainplate caulking is not the big issue with the 
standing rigging. The chainplate bolts and the condition of the wire and 
fittings tops the list. I also believe that proper maintenance will 
prevent ingress of water. It's worked on my boat for nearly 40 years, 
almost 20 of which I've owned it.

I replaced all the 1/4" bolts with 5/16" about 5 years ago, and the 
attach points were all sound. I was advised by a local boat builder to 
use "elastomeric" caulk, and it has never leaked. If you really want to 
assure a good seal, loosen the attach bolts (with the mast down) and 
force the caulking all the way around the shroud chainplates and through 
the deck to the interior. Let it set up before you re-tighten the bolts.

I sail in fresh water, and only rarely in winds over 40 MPH, so maybe 
there is a greater concern in harsher conditions and salt water. But it 
seems to me that this may be an aestetic issue as much as a structural 
one. This is an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" for me.

--Dan Sternglass
Watcher of the Skies, #201, 1966, Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, NY
dans at stmktg.com


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