[Public-list] My Rudder is Broke and Needs Fixin

sousa, stephen (ENG) sousa_stephen at emc.com
Mon Dec 20 07:26:19 PST 2004


Normally you would repair or build a rudder in a mold or lying horizontal on
a work area. The bronze piece is the rudder stock which runs from the shoe
up into the cockpit. Since the shoe and pintel/gudgeon are no longer
attached the tiller cap is removed and rudder stock can be removed. The
entire rudder with stock is over 6ft tall cannot remember exact numbers
since it has been years when I removed the rudder. The boat has to be in
slings or you are digging a hole for the rudder to slide out of the boat. 

On construction, I do not know of anyone that has built a rudder out of
plywood that doesn't mean it cannot be done. I know on the early Pearson
Tritons the rudders were made from teak or mahogany, with bronze rivets and

There is an company in Florida that is in the rudder business, I do not know
the name but a fellow sailor replaced his before leaving for a two year

As another recommendation, if you use the J24 stainless pintel/gudgeon.
Please check for crevice corrosion on an annual basis. Stainless in salt
water without having an opportunity to out gas will have crevice corrosion. 

The fitting from a Pacific Seacraft Dana 25 will fit the Alberg and are made
of bronze. Since they are still in production, Pacific Seacraft should be
able to provide a vendor for these parts.

I am currently replacing a stainless shaft on the Alberg that has crevice
corrosion where it enters the cutlass bearing. This was found when the shaft
was removed for this work.


-----Original Message-----
From: public-list-bounces at alberg30.org
[mailto:public-list-bounces at alberg30.org] On Behalf Of Lincoln Finkenberg
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:58 AM
To: public-list at alberg30.org
Subject: [Public-list] My Rudder is Broke and Needs Fixin

Anyone want to chime in on rudder design - a topic that I can guarantee
would be of practical use to one reader (although I'd have to attach the
usual legal disclaimer).  I've tracked down a rudder shoe, gonna use the j24
gudgeon/pintel thingers and gonna take that really strong type plywood and
slap two peaces together "sealed" in epoxy.  

One mystery that seems to ping around in my brain (there are one or two
others) is -- how the heck does the that bent poll that sticks out and below
the hole in the boat get inbetween those two peaces of really strong type
plywood i slap together?

And does anyone know of a sailing resume coach - mine really needs some

Captain rock bottom

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