[Public-list] Chainplate knees and mast pad

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Fri Jul 30 10:57:27 PDT 2004

The problems with dimpling aft of the mast step seem to be related to
failure of the deck core.  A cored panel is very rigid and strong, but
only as long as the core remains intact and firmly bonded to the skins.

 - George

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 01:33:45PM -0400, Roger L. Kingsland wrote:
> Peter,
> It would seem if there is sufficient exocentric load at the mast step to
> cause the deck to "dimple," there would be a risk that the mast would go out
> "of column" when compression loads increase.  Has anyone observed the mast
> bowing fore & aft during high winds.  I suppose, with the backstay
> restraining the top, it would form a shallow "S" with lower part curved
> forward.  Of course, I haven't heard of a rash of mast collapse on boats
> with liners so, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."


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