[Public-list] rub rail

Patty J Timbuktu5555 at webtv.net
Tue Jul 6 07:59:43 PDT 2004

My brother tried to raft up along side my boat during the 4th fireworks.
We both had out very large fenders as protection.  However, we were
paralell to the wave action due to tide.  A wave turned his boat so far
over at one point that when it came back up his metal rub rail hit mine
and the "crack" that we heard was louded and more startling than any of
the fireworks.   We quickly abandoned the idea of rafting ever again and
let brother David go anchor somewhere else.  Anywho, it's about a 3 foot
crack starting from the end of the jib track forward and then forward.
No fiberglass damage, just wood.  Anyone ever repair something like this
and how?  I would really appreciate some help.  I looked on the Alberg
web site under everything, but perhaps I overlooked it.

Patty Johnson
Timbuktu #461   


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