[Public-list] toe rail

Patty J Timbuktu5555 at webtv.net
Tue Jul 20 09:45:13 PDT 2004

As you may remember on July 4th my toe rail was cracked during a raft
up.  Everyone at the club thought it could easily be epoxed back
together.  I took the cracked part off recently and discovered it was
being held on by two dabs of 5200 and is nothing more than a mere
splintered hunk of junk that I personally think would fall off with any
amount of a tiny bump while docking.  So, I'm opting to replace about 3
feet of toerail.  Does anybody know where I can get the teak and how to
go about it.  I know I will have to remove my jib track.  The toe rail
does not have pop rivots in it.  Everything has screws in it so I assume
I can just replace stuff with the same screws.  I'm pretty handy with
tools and woodworking.  I think it has to do with being a surgical nurse
for the past 30 years!  I really think I want to take a stab at it
myself and then if it looks like I'm out of my league get the proper

Timbuktu #461
Fairhope Yacht Club


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