[Public-list] Furler/forestay halyard wrapping

EddieDiver at aol.com EddieDiver at aol.com
Thu Jul 22 07:15:51 PDT 2004

In the latest correspondance re: rigging, halyard wrapping around the  
furler/forestay was mentioned. On our club boat, Emotional Rescue #303, someone  did 
just this and opened up the 19 separate strands of wire for a distance of 2  
inches of the 6 inches exposed above the furler foil. Three different riggers  
have told me that we have lost at least 50% of the tensile strength of the 
wire.  Our boatyard rigger also said that they had to replace the forstay for 
the same  reason 3 years ago for $800.00 ($1600 in three years???)
We have a Hood 707 Single Line furler. Hood, as well as many furler article  
say that there should not be more than 6 inches of halyard from the bottom of  
the jib halyard block to the top 1/2 of the 2-part swivel. If there is more, 
a  wrap is inevitable.
They also suggest that the 6 inches of halyard NOT be parrallel with  the 
foil but rather it should be brought back to the mast, belowthe block, and  be 
lead thru a halyard diverter eye to make an acute angle back to the  swivel.
I took a motor around the harbor and found most of the boats with furlers  
broke one or both of those recommendations and didn't seem to have any  problems.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what type of furler? What did it  
cost to replace the forestay? Anybody do it themselves?
Thanks, Ed. Schroeder


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