[Public-list] parade and brightwork

Meinhold, Michael J MICHAEL.J.MEINHOLD at saic.com
Tue Jun 22 04:50:31 PDT 2004

That was quite a weekend. And we thought we were just buying a boat......

This was our second raftup, and we're figuring it out, but it was extremely
impressive to see 24 boats pack into that little dock so quickly.

Thanks to C.B. for the quick pictures, I have told so many people about the
event and it's nice to show them what it looked like. 

Rinn Duin's brightwork was on my long list. However, looking at all of the
beautifully maintained wood this weekend makes me want to get working on it.
The archives don't go back far enough to get all of the accumulated wisdom,
so can I ask for advice? On the rails and coamings there is still about 20%
of the old varnish left. On the seats and main hatch it's 90% covered, but
I assume the first step is getting that off with sandpaper and elbow grease.
Do i use a teak cleaner on it to get up dirt? Do I sand all of it before
that? Any tricks?
I've heard Cetol, Armada, others - pros and cons?


Rinn Duin #272 


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