[Public-list] Hull deformity

Mike Lehman sail_505 at hotmail.com
Fri May 21 19:55:59 PDT 2004

Peter -

I too had this problem. I is a the forward lower shrouds. I have seen all 
'newer' vintage Albergs with this same problem in varying degrees. It is not 
really a problem however because the deformation goes to a certain amount 
and then does not become any more severe. I chose, none-the-less to correct 
this deformity on my boat. I did so by forcing the hull back out with a jack 
and 2x4's mounted horizontally to push the hull deflections back to the 
original line. Then I fiber glassed in the shelves in the shelves in the 
forward cabin so they become secondary structural members of the hull. As 
they are, pop-riveted in place they do not any strength to the hull, but 
glassed in they do. When I removed the horizontal jack and re-tensioned the 
hull the dimples were gone. A fair amount of work, that I question whether 
is necessary or not.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Amos" <p.a.amos at tesco.net>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 3:28 PM
Subject: [Public-list] Hull deformity

Looking along the hull at the level of the stripe,not the boot stripe,the 
upper stripe,Tait Tait has a pronounced indentation in the region of the 
shrouds.I assume that it has been caused by over tensioned rigging by a 
previous owner.There is no sign of cracking ,its almost as though it 
happened before the lay up had cured but as it is on both sides I think this 
is improbable.It didn't right itself when the mast was unstepped about 18 
months ago.I would like to fix it and wonder if it could be jacked out from 
the inside if the chainplate attachment points,I cant remember the proper 
term,were removed.I would hate to crack the hull trying this.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Peter Amos
Tait Tait #478
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