[Public-list] Alberg30 for sale

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Tue May 18 07:40:26 PDT 2004

----- Forwarded message from klaus pauly <kpauly at amtelecom.net> -----

From: "klaus pauly" <kpauly at amtelecom.net>
To: "alberg 30 association" <webmaster at alberg30.org>
Subject: re:Alberg 
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 21:57:50 -0400

 I Have been the owner of "Milady "an Alberg 30 /74 for 27 years .
I have visited every harbour on Lake Huron but due to a
hear attack and advanced age  (76 ) the  time has come to part from sailing with "Milady ".
Should you know anybody in your organisation that is looking for an Alberg 30 ?
The boat is in good condition and ready for cruising 
Willing to sell her for a reasonable price .
Picture plus other info can be supplied .
Any help would be  appreciated.
Thank you  for your co-operation .Klaus Pauly 
 Kpauly at amtelecom.net 
 Tel / 519 596 2293

----- End forwarded message -----


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