[Public-list] Bilge drain

Matthew Hay haymatthew_ at hotmail.com
Mon May 3 07:31:41 PDT 2004

I have a bilge drain that is on the side of the keel about 1/4 inch up from 
the very bottom of the bilge.  I am pretty sure that it was installed by a 
previous owner.  It is about 3/4 inch in diameter.  Obviously drilling the 
drain would be a piece of cake, but I do not know how you would make the 
plug.  The plug is a short fat brass screw, so guess I answered my own 
question?  The plug itself screws in from the outside of the hull.  There 
was so much sand in the bottom of the bilge that it was not working properly 
until I cleared out the sand.
Matthew Hay #314 "Renard"  yes! I have finally settled on a new name.  I do 
not own multiple boats!

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