[Public-list] mast support beam

Patty Johnson patty5555 at webtv.net
Tue May 4 08:11:17 PDT 2004

Last year someone on this list sent what looked to me to be a great
solution to repairing the indentation and further delamination of the
deck.  It was two fabricated heavy duty metal arches that ran across
from port to starboard inside the boat.  These arches or beams were
placed on both sides of the bath/closet bulkheads and then secured with
bolts.  The instructions were to use a house jack and over a short
period of time jack up the sag from the mast, then put these beams in
place.  If I remember they cost around $250 for the parts and there was
a contact number.  Anyone remember this or am I just loopy?



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