[Public-list] running lights

isobar at bcpl.net isobar at bcpl.net
Wed May 5 10:30:11 PDT 2004

Daniel Walker wrote:
>i was away from the e mails for a while, and have been reading and 
>catching up. i am convinced that ignorance is bliss. now you tell me the 
>lights on rascal are illegal? is there anything on my little boat that is 
>legal. frustration.
>rascal 145

Dan... No, there's nothing illegal about the original side light 
installation on the old boats. (The CG rules only require that they have 
one mile visibility and shine from dead ahead to 2 points abaft the beam.) 
So the Coast Guard isn't going to climb aboard and haul you off to jail. 
However, though still legal, they were a lousy  installation, near the 
water, subject to corrosion, and  easily masked by sail or angle of heel. 
Most people have replaced them. Mine were removed, the holes glassed, and a 
new combo light installed high on the pulpit, but others have just them 
disconnected when adding new ones.

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181


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