[Public-list] hasp/locker shut in's

Richard Mair r.mair at sympatico.ca
Thu May 13 23:50:00 PDT 2004

isobar at bcpl.net wrote:

> At 01:33 PM 5/13/04 -0500, Patty Johnson wrote:
>> I haven't done this on my Alberg yet, but on my previous boat (Catalina
>> 27) someone had taken the hasp and eye things on the lockers and turned
>> them upside down so you couldn't get locked in.
> Patty,,, My boat has a (maybe) unique way of securing the lockers. 
> There is no hasp in the cockpit, but a rod runs from each side of the 
> main cabin horizontally to a bracket on the bottom of the cockpit 
> hatches. You can go into the cabin and push the rod thru a hole on the 
> seat bracket and secure the seat cover that way. It's an elegant piece 
> of work which obviously took much effort. It removes the unsightly 
> hasp &locks from the cockpit. The bad thing is that I never remember 
> to use them, so the seats stay unsecured. On the whole, that's not too 
> bad and I'm sure you remember to do it if you're offshore.
>  I wonder if anyone else has this lash-up?
> Bob Kirk
> Isobar #181
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I like the sound of this. Do you have any pictures?We are always banging 
our legs on the hasps anyway.


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