[Public-list] Sabrina has new owners!

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Tue Nov 30 19:14:30 PST 2004


Congratulations on selling your boat, though I think you let her go too 
cheaply for her condition.  I understand your hurry, however.

I'd be glad to post some of your photos on the web site.

Good luck on your new job and home.

  - George

Bill Blevins (CNHI) wrote:
> Dana Shafie and Bryn Scott <dana.shafie at verizon.net> purchased Sabrina
> on Friday. They are from Alexandria, VA and plan on keeping Sabrina on
> the Potomac for a year or so and then might consider moving her to the
> Annapolis area. I've encouraged them to join the A30 group (and they
> may already be on the public-list)!
> I've appreciated all of the help over the past 3 years when
> refurbishing Sabrina. She is an awsome boat and is in the hands of
> great new owners who I think will continue to keep her in ship shape
> and keep working on her to get her to full Bristol condition.
> I have a CD of photos that I can pass on to George and the Association
> can do whatever they want with them as far as using for the
> maintenance section of the book or Web site. Once I get unpacked, I'll
> pop that in the mail. Lord knows I took apart just about every piece
> of the Alberg 30! and took photos of it too!
> MySailingPhotos.com will stay up as long as my friends at
> fredericksburg.com allow me to host for free. I probably won't be
> adding much to it though.
> We leave for Birmingham, AL this afternoon. We sold our house in 12
> days and the closing is today. There is a sailing club in Birmingham
> that races Cat-27's, J-22's, Thistles, Lasers and other daysailers. We
> will be visiting them soon. They race year-round on the weekends. We
> are considering 2 International 2.4meters until we decide on our next
> big boat.
> Again, thank you to everyone who helped me over the past few years!

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                                             'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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