[Public-list] That brown goo from weeping blisters

Janet Kirk isobar at bcpl.net
Sun Nov 28 08:28:48 PST 2004

I had the same thing in the main cabin, so you're not unique. I was told 
it's deteriorating "bondo" (auto body filler) that the builder used to 
fillet the sharp cabin angles.

At any rate, I tried a couple of things including aluminum engine paint to 
reseal it without success. What finally worked was sanding and painting 
with Kilz primer.  That was 7 or 8 years ago and it's still ok. I notice 
the same thing starting in the forward cabin now, so one of my winter 
projects will be to repeat  the process there.

As a separate issue, I get mildew breaking out in the cabin interior every 
couple of years, which, again, I've been told is caused by a previous owner 
painting the interior with latex over the original paint. It comes off 
easily enough by wiping with a bleach/tide solution, but is a chore, 
getting bleach in your face, etc. I'll probably continue doing that though 
because I hate the thought of trying to sand the interior to bare 
fiberglass and repainting. Painting over the latex probably wouldn't  work

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

At 07:57 PM 11/27/04 -0800, Alan Slater wrote:
>I noticed last week on the discussion "Water in the keel cavity", that one 
>of the pictures showed a blister weeping a brownish liquid, possibly a 
>resin residue.
>On the inside of my cabin, the curves portions where the sides meet the 
>top, I have many small paint blisters also weeping a brownish liquid. This 
>only happens when the condensation level is high inside the boat.
>I hope that this is the result of the previous owner using inferior paint, 
>but I wonder if it has anything to do with the fiberglass resin breaking 
>down, as this winter is slotted for a complete interior refinish.
>I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on this before I get started.
>Alan Slater
>"Romp"  #358


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