[Public-list] RE: Cleaner and Spiders

Gail DeMoss gdemoss at alberg30.org
Sun Oct 3 15:59:41 PDT 2004

Calypso has no curtains and I count on the webs for a bit of privacy. 
Like them spiders.  Snakes keep the rodent population at the hovel under 
control.  Like them snakes.  Cockroaches and rats are a different story.

Gail Dinwiddie

RWLIDDICK at aol.com wrote:

> 2.Can't  help you with this one. I like spiders, i keep them around as
> my personnal  exterminators.
> I thought I was the only one who considered spiders as partners in  
> housekeeping.  Of course, I've yet to be bitten by one of the little  buggers.  Roberta


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