[Public-list] anybody been sailing?

Bill Blevins billblevins at mac.com
Sat Oct 16 15:02:23 PDT 2004

I painted the kitchen today because I'm moving to Alabama in December!

I need the scuttlebutt on Mobile Bay and exactly where I should look for 
a marina for Sabrina next Spring!

Bill Blevins
"Sabrina" #158


Patty J wrote:

>I went sailing with some of my buddies today on my boat here on the
>beautiful expansive Mobile bay and we had a blast.  I usually don't just
>go out for a sail, usually race, but there were plenty of boats out
>today cruising along to race.  Light wind and then it kicked up a notch
>or two and we fairly flew past the Hunter 27 and nearly caught the Laser
>28, (course, he wasn't racing, or there'd be another story).   Anywho,
>the big Wadewitz (our 1st commodore at FYC) regatta is next weekend and
>hopefully we will kick some you know what butt!
>I need a decent 130% or a 140% if anyone has one for sale.
>Timbuktu #461
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