[Public-list]Hull #22 found--where is 306?

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Thu Oct 21 06:55:01 PDT 2004

I'm really sorry to hear that, Dave.  The bulkheads can be reglassed to
the hull, or replaced, but it may be more work than you want to do.  A
good boat can almost always be repaired.  Remember Hal Roth salvaged
Whisper after being blown ashore and holed on an island near Cape Horn.
If you haven't read "Two Against Cape Horn," I recommend it.

 - George

On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 10:02:37PM -0400, CAPTDAVE40 at aol.com wrote:
> Unfortunately, it looks like I have lost my boat on Grenada. It was damaged 
> severely to the point I would not wish to do any high sea passages with it 
> anymore. I'm trying to sell it to a local on the island. The hull was severely 
> damaged. The interior bulkheads where shattered loose from the hull. There is no 
> way to explain the power of 125mph winds that came from four different 
> directions in less than one hour on the day Hurricane Ivan's eye passed over Spice 
> Island Boat yard, Grenada. It will be years before the scars are gone. 
>     After what my little boat and I have enjoyed together, I feel like I have 
> lost a dear friend that, of no fault of its own, could not withstand the 
> elements it was asked to endure.
> Thanks again, Dave


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