[Public-list] anybody been sailing?

Patty J Timbuktu5555 at webtv.net
Sat Oct 16 14:50:01 PDT 2004

I went sailing with some of my buddies today on my boat here on the
beautiful expansive Mobile bay and we had a blast.  I usually don't just
go out for a sail, usually race, but there were plenty of boats out
today cruising along to race.  Light wind and then it kicked up a notch
or two and we fairly flew past the Hunter 27 and nearly caught the Laser
28, (course, he wasn't racing, or there'd be another story).   Anywho,
the big Wadewitz (our 1st commodore at FYC) regatta is next weekend and
hopefully we will kick some you know what butt!

I need a decent 130% or a 140% if anyone has one for sale.

Timbuktu #461


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