[Public-list] A30 Moving

dan walker dsailormon at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 14 17:12:12 PDT 2004

having had rascal halued three times, i can honestly say all three haulers did a good job. 
the last time,  i went through a broker who found a guy who was going to dead head from south carolina and was happy to haul for 1.50 a mile. he had  the  specialized rig that was just for hauling boats and all the pads and was knowledgeable about boats.
i think he was selling his rig and going to retire, but my point is there are truckers out there who are good at what they do, and insured. oh yeah really recommend air ride. don't know if they are all air ride now, but worth the ask i think.
someone else spoke about oversize permits, and  i agree, but i don't think any of the truckers got them, or they were in the 1.50  per mile that i was charged.
a trucking company client of mine is always willig to reduce a run price rather than dead head. so, if you are flexible time wise ecent rates are available

Bill Blevins <billblevins at mac.com> wrote:
If you had to get an Alberg 30 from Maryland to Mobile Bay, Alabama, how 
would you do it?as

How much is a A30 trailer? Are there used ones? Can you rent one? How 
much would a boat mover be? What boat moving companies do you recommend 
or have experience with? How long (or short) of a sail would that be? etc.

Thank for any advice!

Bill Blevins
Sabrina #158

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