[Public-list] "No V-berth", she says. What's the alternative?

Gail DeMoss gdemoss at alberg30.org
Sun Oct 24 20:30:04 PDT 2004

Some A30 owners have inserted a "fill", in the main cabin, across the 
cabin to connect the two seats.  The back cushions are then used to make 
the "double bed".  Maybe someone who has done this can explain it better.

I am not crazy about the V-berth for sleeping.  Too hard to get in and 
out and I am always whacking my head, elbows, knees or sticking a foot 
in Georges back, face, stomach, etc.

Gail Dinwiddie
Calypso #543

John Kennedy wrote:
> My spouse remarked the other day that "I will NOT sleep in a V-berth again!"
> Can anyone make some useful suggestions on double-sized sleeping
> arrangements, preferably of the aft-cabin sort, and the boats that surround
> them?
> Thanks, everyone.
> John



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