[Public-list] Bulk Purchase - KISS Wind Generator - Anyone?

Jack Vanderloo jvdloo at sympatico.ca
Sat Apr 30 10:09:13 PDT 2005


I have seen these units in operation and was quite impressed.


Is there any interest out there to explore a bulk purchase?

A chap up here in Canada cited an all-up landed cost of some 
CDN$1100-1200 via a recent boatbuilders' coop bulk purchase.  For any 
Americans who may be interested, that price would have included 
shipping, duties and a whopping 15% Canadian federal and provincial tax 
burden.  On a straight dollar exchange basis, this ought to translate 
into about US$900 to $1000 - but I suspect it would be much less, when 
duties and state taxes are parsed out.

Again - anyone?



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