[Public-list] Ventilation

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Fri Aug 19 09:19:49 PDT 2005

I have been thinking about putting opening ports in as you know. After talking with some local people, I think that there may be a problem with doing that - aside from the cost and effort involved. If the port is open and there is no wind or what wind there is is blocked by boats in surrounding slips, little air will be introduced into the boat. I am assuming that if one were on a mooring with the boat facing the wind mostly, the wind would generally go past rather than into the ports most of the time. 

So here is another way to approach the ventitlation problem. Instead of putting in opening ports in the v-berth and/or the salon, one could install two solar vents - one in the hatch in the v-berth and one in the salon. The one in the v-berth would bring in air and the one in the salon would exhaust air. According to the Nicro specs, a system like that would move about 19,000 (800x24) cu ft per day - assuming  no leaks in the system, I think. (the figure seems like a lot to me, but the math is ok.) That and a well placed fan or two could help a lot. In additon, putting a shade over the fore hatch would keep the v-berth a lot cooler. 

Short of installing aircondtioning, the second solution might be more effective and cost a lot less.

Any thoughts?


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