[Public-list] Solar Panel

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Sun Dec 4 05:41:47 PST 2005


>How do I know what I currently have?  Can I tell by a
> visual inspection?

Pretty much all recent vintage alternaters have the 
voltage regulator integral to the alternater. If you don't 
have a 3"X3" or so box with a few spade connected wires 
running out of it mounted on a bulkhead someplace, that's 
what you have.

Also, the A4 instrument panel had an ammeter. Checkmate's 
used to kick the charging system in and out continously. I 
could hear the pitch change of the engine when that 
happened. A voltage meter won't show that though.

> Do you guys usually stay hooked up to shore power and
> have a trickle charger running when the boat is not in
> use?

No, I just turn off the battery switch, but I don't have 
an electric bilge pump. Good betteries hold their charge 
for months. I do take the batteries out and keep them 
someplace above freezing for winterization, then charge 
them up before installing in spring.

I don't like stray DC current running amuck if I don't 
need the risk... (electrolysis)



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