Subject: [Public-list] Potential new Alberg 30 owner

Manza, LtCol John john.manza at
Mon Jan 17 06:46:09 PST 2005


I have hull #150 equipped with the old Gray Marine engine.  The only
troubles that I have had revolved around engine cooling.  The problems were
with the pump and my struggle to find an impeller that would fit correctly.
Despite that, I have put a lot of hours on that engine.  My trip to the lake
involves a 25 minute trip down a river and between setting sail and making
the trip back home I probably put an hour on the engine every time that I
sail - or about five hours a week.  The engine has proven to be reliable,
though I often look longingly at replacment power plants.  I plan on getting
a few more seasons from the old Gray engine and then - maybe - repowering
with a modern diesel.  Good luck on the boat.  My Alberg is my most prized
possession.  John Manza 

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