[Public-list] Removing Cutlass Housing

Dan Pinson dan at pinson.us
Fri Jul 1 18:59:52 PDT 2005

I have run into a problem removing the 2 bolts that hold the cutlass 
housing to the hull. They turn easily enough but do not back out unless 
I apply leverage in the aft direction. Even at that, after hours of work 
one bolt is out 1 5/8" with no sign of thread. Can someone enlighten me 
about this? The maintenance manual shows the bolts threaded into 
fiberglass. If it were stripped, I don't think so much levering would be 
required. Could 5200 be holding on? I heated the bolts (but didn't know 
how MUCH) and did not notice a change.

Thanks in advance for any help.



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