[Public-list] Hi

Lou Kimball loukimball at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 22 12:45:00 PDT 2005

I'm Lou Kimball and I am looking for a boat.  I owned and raced an Ensign
for 15 years, but recently sold it and want to get an Alberg 30 to cruise
and occasionally race when we move to Maine.

Some initial questions:

Any 30's with a wheel steering arrangement?  Or is this just on the 35's?

What is head room for the later models with the aluminum deck beam?

Any boats for sale in Maine?
Lou Kimball, AIA                     Architecture & Furniture Design
706 W. MLK Jr. Blvd., No. 2          512.494.1055 voice
Austin, TX 78701                     512.494.1054 fax


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