[Public-list] [Fwd: Stanchions]

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Tue Jul 26 18:33:25 PDT 2005

Hi there - 

George is right - our factory stanchions are just 1" SS tubing with the cap
pin-crimped on.  They are easy to replace.

Gord #426

PS just re-watched "Jean du Sud around the world" - fun to see such a
familiar boat in such surroundings.


> Ed,
> I had to replace a stanchion once, and I was able to drive the stanchion
> top out of the tube with a piece of heavy all-thread longer than the
> tube.  I then put it in a new SS tube and peened it in two places to
> hold it in.  It's worked great for a decade.
> - George
> EddieDiver wrote:
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Stanchions
>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 19:48:28 EDT
>> From: EddieDiver at aol.com
>> Does anybody know where I can get the original-type S.S. stanchions with
>> the ring on the top for the lifeline to pass through. One of the
>> students met another boat and bent two stanchions completely in half.
>> Thanks
>> Ed. Schroeder;Emotional Rescue #303, Chicago


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