[Public-list] Glue for Teak

Roger L Kingsland rkingsland101 at ksba.com
Wed Jun 1 06:09:32 PDT 2005

Thanks everyone for the great feedback on gluing teak.  I think a will go with Mike Lehman's pick (thanks Mike) which is Weldwood Resorcinol Waterproof Glue.  I contacted Franklin's technical department (they were very helpful) and they recommended Tightbound III, (Elmers on steroids); only problem is the set up time is under 15 minutes which is a little tight to glue 7 pieces totaling 23'.  

My partner, an accomplished woodworker, has used Gorilla glue and says it expands while setting up which is OK if one uses lots of clamps closely spaced but I don't have 50 clamps.  Although it has to be mixed, eats your skin and may cause blindness, the Weldwood has a pot life of over 2 hours and only requires 25 to 75 pounds clamp pressure.  Plus, the purple line left at the glue joint matches my color scheme.  

Thanks again,

Roger 148


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