[Public-list] is that your Rudder hanging ... from the garage door opener

Lincoln Finkenberg finkenbergl at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 20 15:45:02 PST 2005

Well I've pasted (epoxied) on the fiberglass to the rudder.  I went with a 6 oz cloth instead (i'll goo on 2 layers). Biaxial cloth w/ mat was too much to try to deal with.  I hung the rudder from the garage door opener - which allowed me to quicly flip it over after doing one side.  Lots of creases on the 2nd side - which I'm looking forward to taking a belt sander to.  It will be quite a scene when we open the garage door.  
I'm planning on taking more pictures -- I can't believe how much stuff I acquired with hair brained ideas that didn't quite work out.  All apart of getting the boat in the water - (by Apr 15 or SINK). My best purchase to date tho is the rudder bearing flange at a $1.89 from Amer Sleeve Bearing.
Captain Rock Bottom - Gypsy.
"But come ye back when summer's in the meadow" - danny boy

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