[Public-list] Help - Interior Lighting

Mpete53 at aol.com Mpete53 at aol.com
Mon Mar 28 09:12:17 PST 2005

just a different take.
I was thinking about mounting LED on my boat to save on the batteries while  
crushing I picked up one to play with and found that for the price they gave 
off  little light. The 3 LED unit that I tried would be great to leave on a 
night  light type unit but was not much use as cabin lighting.
I then tried using 12 volt florescent bulbs that screw into the  original 
fixtures.  I got them at West Marine on sale for $10 each.  They have a 12 watt 
draw which is way higher then the LED, but boy do they put  out light, at least 
as much as the 25 watt bulbs that I had been using.. So for  $30 I was able 
to cut my battery drain in half.
My 2 cents


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