[Public-list] voltmeter switch

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Mon May 2 16:44:06 PDT 2005

Hi there - 

Thanks!  I agree - I wouldn't want to have the voltmeter associated with the
main selector.  

I'm going to have a look at things later and see what my helper did.  I
suspect that the + leads he led into the meter are common somehow.


> Gordon Laco wrote:
>> One thing I did try to do was install a switch and voltmeter to indicate
>> battery state.  I put in a three position switch that is off in the middle
>> and on port and starboard.  What I want is to be able to throw it either way
>> to see the voltage of Battery #1 or #2... The way it is now it indicates
>> both batteries either way. Can anyone offer me a diagram to fix this?  Funny
>> thing, I am fairly fearless with rigging or structural issues but wiring
>> stumps me.
> I prefer having the voltmeter switch separate from the battery switch,
> so I can measure either one without changing the main switch.  It's best
> to measure the battery voltage after it's been resting a day, anyway.
> Of course, if you have your main switch set to Both, then you'll be
> measuring both batteries, anyway.
> It's hard to draw this with ASCII characters, but use a fixed font like
> courier to view it:
>      battery 1 ------------o
>                             /
>                            o--------[ meter ]--------- Ground
>      battery 2 ------------o
>                        SPDT switch


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