[Public-list] Rudder shoe, gudgeon and pintle replacements

Lincoln Finkenberg finkenbergl at yahoo.com
Thu May 19 19:42:37 PDT 2005

You can buy off the shelf SS pintle/gudgeon (J24 by schaefer).  Phil Biegle had a bach of shoes cast some time ago - you might try him first.  

For the custom silicon bronze route these guys took over wehere New Found Metals left off:



If your rudder shoe is still on the boat its hard to imagine how you could need a new one -- the bolts that attach it to the keel should be examined and if need be replaced and maybe the pin. I point this out b/c I think most of my time was not spent building the rudder - but attaching the #%*!%^(@$#ng thing. And most of that was making sure the line from rudder post to the pin in the shoe was straight - cause when you push the tiller hard over and that rudder is not on a perfect line - a tremendous amount of torgque is exerted on the pin in the shoe- literally trying to twist the shoe off the keel.  So if your shoe is on keel I'd leave it and simply replace the bolts and pin - mostly out of fear for the amount of days lost sailing trying to get $#@% thing to line up as nicely as the last one. 

By the way my new rudder is on and looks excellent - and it steers the boat perfect. Next week I'll see how it steers in the water.

Linc, Gypsy

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