[Public-list] #554

Peter Staehling staehpj1 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 12 10:07:36 PST 2005

I just got all of the stuff that the previous owner
dropped off at the brokerage for me and there were a
few pleasant suprises.  It turns out that he had the
table and associated hardware at home, so I don't need
to fabricate any of that.  A few other items that I
didn't know were coming were there too.

He gave me a copy of the maintenance manual, a lot of
association news letters, a manual for the Yanmar
diesel, and some other stuff.  I guess that I have my
reading cut out for me.

I looked over the deck again and think that I can
probably just do some minor patching, put on a fresh
coat of paint, and rebed everything.  I figure I will
coordinate this with refinishing the wood so that I
can do the wood while it is off of the boat.

I am not sure if I am taking her out this season or
waiting until spring.  I usually sail several times
during the winter, but she was already winterized by
the previous owner and there is a lot of work that
needs to be done.

Anyone going out on their A30 and want some company? 
It would build my confidence if I got out on another
A30 before I take mine out.  it would also be
interesting to see how things were done on another

Pete Staehling
Aurora #554

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