[Public-list] deck repairs

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Sun Nov 13 09:29:02 PST 2005


I'm down on the Magothy (actually, my boat is hauled on Rock Creek, at 
the moment), and I'd be glad to show you the work I've done on Calypso. 
  I've been working on the deck problems a bit at a time (rather than 
the whole deck at once) and have learned a few things through trial and 

A few comments:

Some cracks are really just the gelcoat, and you can open those cracks 
up a bit with a dremel tool or a sharpened church key and fill them with 
thickened epoxy resin.  For such really small repairs, you have to use 
epoxy or it won't stick.

I detect delamination by sound, tapping on the deck and listening to it. 
  You can easily tell the difference between good spots and bad spots, 
though it's difficult to tell the exact boundary.  The balsa core of 
Calypso had enough rot, and the deck gelcoat was chipped and porous, 
that I decided not to worry about salvaging the original non-skid.  I've 
been using non-skid beads in Brightsides paint as I refinish sections. 
It's *not* as good as the diamond pattern when wet, though, and I think 
I'm going to go to rubber granules, instead.  When I get everything 
repaired, I plan to repaint the entire deck, perhaps with a two-part paint.

I've been grinding off the upper skin with a 4-inch grinder.  That works 
as well as, or better than, a saw--though it does produce a lot of dust. 
  If the core is wet, I replace it with a plastic foam core.  If it's a 
dry delamination, I leave the balsa.  If it's a mounting spot, I make it 
solid glass.  See 
http://www.alberg30.org/maintenance/HullDeck/DeckRepairs/ for more details.

I started with the worst areas, and have made slow and occasional 
progress since then.  The most important thing is to seal cracks and 
deck hardware to keep the problem from getting worse.

  - George

Peter Staehling wrote:
> I don't have any indication of major water intrusion
> other than the appearance of the deck.  Nothing seemed
>  soft under foot.  My hope is that it is mainly
> cosmetic at this point.  I guess I should find out
> though.
> Where do I get a "really good moisture meter".  Can
> one be rented or borrowed?  If not what must one spend
> to get one of adequate quality?
> I would like to do some minor patching of the areas
> that already have had an attempt at sealing by the
> P.O. with some kind of compound (5200 maybe).  I
> wonder if I should grind those spots out and reglass
> (possibly a short term answer if there is major core
> damage) or just continue with the same sort of
> patching until it is time to do more major work.  I
> guess that would depend on the condition of the core.
> It would be nice if any water intrusion could be
> stopped and she could be made presentable with a coat
> of paint.  If major work is required it would be nice
> to postpone it until I retire, but that is several
> years off at this point.
> If anyone is reasonably close to the Middle River (MD)
> area and would be willing to go over this with me  it
> would be appreciated.  I really don't want to pay for
> a survey at this point, but another opinion would be
> valued.
> Don, on your deck replacement I am curious how long it
> took and what it cost.
> Pete Staehling
> Aurora #554
>>    I have replaced the whole of the deck on #528.
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   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                                             'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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