[Public-list] On Replacing the Chainplate bolts

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Tue Nov 29 21:52:43 PST 2005

FINNUS505 at aol.com wrote:
> Did you drill out the chainplates to the 5/16's hole size with the  
> chainplates in place, or take the chainplates off to do the drilling out? I'd  like to 
> do it in place, doing one bolt at a time, while the remaining bolts hold  the 
> chainplate in place.

I would pull the chainplate, but you can do one chainplate at a time 
with the mast up.  Just use a halyard for a temporary shroud.

> Did you just go to a 5/16's bit, or go up to the larger hole in steps, by  
> 32nds, or 64ths, or ........ 128ths :)

I did it all at once, and burned up several bits.  A drill press would 
make it a lot easier.


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