[Public-list] Request for information

Jim Davis a30240 at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 16 17:48:31 PDT 2005

This is the first of many requests for information.  I have been asked to chair the "other side" of the awards section of the Annual Banquet.  Here is your chance to inform on your friends, an opportunity to insure that no good deed goes unpunished.  Of course any reports of groundings, spectacular, or otherwise will gleefully accepted.  Also wanted are reports on any transgressions of good decorum or common sense while involved with an Alberg 30, or other boating function.

As always informants will be protected and incident reports will be exaggerated to insure the maximum discomfort.  Accuracy is not totally important, rumor and innuendo is acceptable.  One other point I need to make - if you think that your "friends" are going to report you - as they say "Confession is good for the soul".

Please send your reports to me directly at a30240 at earthlink.net   Your name will be protected, unless confession is involved.

Jim Davis
S/V Isa Lei
CT 35

Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep meet to decide what to have for dinner. Liberty is when the sheep has a gun.


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