[Public-list] Alberg 30 Histories - Correction

Robert Kirk isobar at bcpl.net
Sun Oct 23 12:04:48 PDT 2005

Don Campbell tells me that Dennis Furnis in Ontario still is sailing 
Excalibur, so he has the record of longest Alberg 30 owner - at least 39 
years. Congratulations.

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

[...] As an example of the sorting you can do with the list,  here are 
quite a few old ... timers who have kept their boats a long time:

Years  Name             First                   Last            Location
38  Babette             Phil/Barb/Liz/Read      Beigel          Maryland
38  Bandit/Backfin      Fritz/John              Finley          Maryland
38  Marlin              Bob/Martha/Bryan        Marshall/Scott  Maryland
37  Whisper             Ken                     Ames            Maryland
36  Kachina Doll        Marshall/Paula          Binder          Maryland
34  Grayling            Les/Bob         Muir            Ontario
34  Linkaten            Tom                     Maroldy         Maryland
32  Scamp II            Ax                      Nystrom Maryland
32  Checkmate   Charlie/Mike            Grosh           Maryland
32  Lin Gin             Bruce/Andy              Rankin          Maryland
31  Spot                Joe                     Galvagna        Maryland
31  Windward            Jerry                   Snow            Maryland
31  Kahawai             Bob Rick Deb            Chambers        Maryland
31  Mystique            Jim                     Gibson          Maryland
30  Second2Nun  Harry                   Gamber          Maryland
29  Cold Duck           John                    Sauerwald       Ontario
29  Wind Call           Bob                     Johns           New York
28  Good Week   Al                      Suwalsky etc.   Maryland
27  Gilleleje           Mike                    Lehman          Maryland
25  Freedom             Ted                     Liszczak        New Hampshire
25  Tern Two            Fayne/Sue               Farrar/Barrett  Maryland
25  Lancashire Lass     Kenneth         Robertson       Ontario

(Dennis Furnis in Ontario may have the record, but I don't know if he's 
still an owner this year. Bruce Breiding & Mike Brown were also 38 year 
folks before they sold this year.


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