[Public-list] Reefing lines

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Sat Oct 8 18:55:56 PDT 2005

>What I can't figure out is what to do with the 2 or 3 >lower sail slides on the mast track.

Your boat is close in vintage to mine-#220. The bottom 
section of the luff is cut back to accomodate roller 
furling; You may have a later main designed only for jiffy 
reefing, but on mine the sail slides are attached to the 
main by way of a 3/8" line. That line is slacked off when 
reefing-keeping the slides on the track.

The slides are in the bights of the line formed between 
cringles on the sail.

Man, that's a lot of weird terminology. A picture is 

Hope this helps

Michael Grosh


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