[Public-list] Anchors

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Mon Oct 10 15:26:24 PDT 2005

Hey George; I'll weigh in with the scope thing also

>with about 110 feet out.

OK, that's giving a watch circle of about 280 feet. How 
many other boats are you sharing that anchorage with? That 
might work in a few anchorages-if everyone there is 
swinging to one anchor and not moored fore and aft, or 
Bahamian, or something; in which case the whole anchorage 
is screwed up.

My 18' of heavy chain allows me to sleep at night with a 
4:1 scope in normal summer protected anchorage conditions.

On the other hand, my danforth knock off and that chain, 
with 150' 3/4" nylon rode (eye spliced into the cleat, 
with a relieving line led back to primary winch) held the 
boat through Hurricane Allen-clocked at 119 mph right 
where my boat was. That was in 7' of water, plus what was 
a 9' storm surge, sandy bottom. For the record, boats 
anchored with Bruce's and CQRs did not fare as well, 
although all survived.

Michael Grosh


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