[Public-list] Engine Question

ellen landrum erlandrum at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 11:43:16 PDT 2005


We replaced our Graymarine o #72 with a yanmar 3GM- did all the work 
ourselves and ended up ripping out the Graymarine beds entirely. Our new 
beds are oak and very tall at their aftmost end. I'll attach a picture so 
you can compare. We wrote an article for Living Aboard detailing the whole 
process, which I can forward along if you're interested. My husbad's 
response to your question was to make sure it's done really, really well, as 
it was the most time-consuming part of our installation and perhaps the most 
important. The last thing you want is a wicked vibration, which will wear 
those plates down.

Good luck!
Ellen and John (Rubicon, #72)

On 9/19/05, Jon Budington <jon at globalprintinginc.com> wrote:
> I am in the process of replacing my Gray Marine with a new Yanmar. The 
> work
> is being done by a local engine service company in Annapolis. I went to
> check on the progress of the job this weekend and was surprised to see the
> new engine laying on the old Gray beds. The new engine is narrower, and 
> the
> mounts do not line up. To compensate, the mechanic manufactured plates to
> bolt to the old beds - the new engine mounts are bolted to the plates. 
> Does
> this sound correct?
> Thanks,
> Jon Budington
> Nimble #67
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