[Public-list] Low maintenance lazarette lids

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Mon Sep 12 16:01:40 PDT 2005

Been following the teak lazarette lid notes....  I fiddled around with wood
covers for a couple of years and tried to deal with warping, cracking,
caulking, etc. 

The new-ish remedy that I like a lot is nylon.  I purchased a couple of .5"
or 5/8"  slabs of that wonderboard stuff (I forget the commercial name),
traced the old lids onto it, cut it out and voila.  No more leaking or
fiddling around with paint, caulking, etc.

The gray color (comes in white, too) is a nice effect, it's not slippery,
and suits me fine, though I know classic lovers would never go for it.  It's
worth a thought, though.

Randy Katz


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