[Public-list] slab reefing, boom vang

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Fri Apr 21 04:18:36 PDT 2006

G'morning folks - 

I use clam cleats because they are so fast, and hold the line captive but a
foot or so toward the gooseneck of them I also have regular horned spar
cleats.  That offers a secure make-fast as well as a place to hang the fall
of the reefing line.  I think you can see them in the pictures.  Rope
clutches would work but they are expensive.

I should mention - although the series of photos shows the reefing drill -
our mainsail looks horrible.  It is actually an original factory supplied
main from 1968.  Incredibly, it is still strong, and actually good in light
airs.  In heavier stuff it gets blown all out of shape.  I want a new one!


> Hi Gordon,
> What are you using for reef line cleats on the boom? Windward has clam
> cleats that the reeflines creep through over time. I worry that they will
> slip completely and let the reef out damaging the sail at the tie points. I
> have considered changing to rope clutches or plain cleats but have not
> decided which yet.
> Philip,
> Windward #428


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