[Public-list] Plumbing Question

Peter Staehling staehpj1 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 11 14:58:39 PDT 2006

The head on Aurora pumps the bowl out OK, but not much
water comes in.  If I repeatedly pump the handle when
the selector is in the flush position, I get a trickle
of water at best.

The manual (Raritan PHII) says to check the check
balls, check for debris in the intake body, and to
check the piston O-ring.

I will do all that if necessary, but first I wonder if
it is hooked up right.  There is a vented look between
the seacock and the head.  It seems like that would
not allow water to pump in to the bowl.  Can someone
verify this or correct my faulty reasoning?

BTW: The diagram in the manual seems to show a vented
loop between the pump and the bowl, but not between
the seacock (inlet) and the pump, which seems to
confirm my suspicion.


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